Many a times we are riding alone on bikes but tends to give lift to person thinking that just dropping him wouldn\’t cost me anything but the fact is really opposite of what we think!!

When we are driving double or more than one people on the bike then the load on the bike increases…so in order to pull more load the bike needs more power at the expense of more fuel.Hence our mileage decreases.

This can be easily shown from the NEWTON\’S SECOND LAW:-

Accordig to Newton\’s second law F=ma i.e. if we take acceleration as a constant quantity then the force applied is directly proportional to the mass of the body.

INFERENCE:- when we are riding a bike with two people then the load increases on the bike and in order to maintain the same constant acceleration as it was while riding with single person, the bike need to put more force which comes by burning more fuel….in technical term we need to give more throttle at lower speed to get the appropiate torque at higher rpm of machine.

Similarly if we consider a case in which single person (wt.100kgs) is riding a bike the again the fuel consumption will be more compared to a person (wt. 60kgs) riding the same bike at same speed.

In light of all these things one can easily infer that mileage is a variable term.It varies with person to person and lots of other factors. It mostly depends on us how much mileage we can extract from a machine.

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